A Travellerspoint blog

Fantastic people!

The day began with a delicious English breakfast prepared by our unbelievably hospitable host at Frimannsbuda who came to work early on a Sunday morning just to feed us! We, and our kayaks, were then picked up by friendly Ståle and his trailer. Turns out that Ståle, in addition to being an oil semi-trailer driver, is a musician. Just two weeks ago he was stopped on the road in front of a church by a man in a suit. "The church organist forgot about today's wedding," said the desperate man. Ståle parked his truck, ran into the church, started up the organ and began playing 'here comes the bride.' Ståle drove us to the other side of Stad, and we began the day's paddle - a relatively short distance to rest our bodies a bit. That turned out to be the right decision, since we ended up at the most amazing pet farm, Hakallegarden. The kind welcoming owner, Aina, offered to let us sleep in the world's coziest little cabin right on the premises. It is easy to see that Aina is an artist since every detail of the farm, cafe, houses, etc., is colorful and esthetically pleasing. The rest of the day was spent enjoying the company of all the creatures here - human and animal.

Posted by Berglene 20:54

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Gjestfriheten er stor her langs vestlandskysten, og den blir ikke mindre desto lenger nordover dere kommer. Lurt og riktig å ikke padle rundt Stadt for der kan forholdene fort endre seg selv om d er stille vest for Selje.

by Astrid sjøglad

Folkene her på gården fortalte om en mann som padlet rundt Stadt for 3 dager siden. Skulle være kjempefint vær. Plutselig kom det masse tåke. Han kunne ikke se noe men visste at vinden kom fra nord - så han bare padlet mot vinden... Skummelt!

by Berglene

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