A Travellerspoint blog

Day 18

After packing up our campsite and carrying the kayaks to the water, we headed towards Hustadvika. This is quite a tough stretch of the coastline, with many rocks sticking up and breaking waves. We carefully navigated our way to Hustadvika Gjestegård, an amazing resort halfway through Hustadvika. We were surprised to learn that the resort had not opened up for the tourist season yet! But the personnel here were very friendly and offered us a suite for the night. The restaurant is also closed, so another freeze-dried dinner for us, with extraordinary views of mountains and fjords - right from our balcony.

Posted by Berglene 18:18

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Jøss, for et eventyr! Bra dere fikk suite og får bruk for all maten ❤️
Klem fra Elisabeth

by efarside

Gratulerer med å ha navigert trygt over Hustadvika😃. Var ute i kajakk i kveld og var med dere i ånden 🧚🏼‍♂️

by Heiflo

Dere er så flinke og har kommet så langt allerede! God tur videre ☺️

by Stine

Takk Heidi og Stine 🙂 Ja Elisabeth - du husker sånne middager fra Boundary Waters!

by Berglene

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