A Travellerspoint blog

Day 30

The alarm rang at 3:00 am! Time to get up, pack up the sleeping bags and tent, carry the kayaks out into the water, and load them up. It was great to loan the nice cabin owner's bathroom! Back in the boats and ready to paddle at 4:23 am. The weather report warned that winds would be picking up throughout the day, so we had 5 hours of good paddling weather before finding a campground to stay in for the next few days until calm seas return. We had to work hard, battling some headwinds. Here at Osen Camping we rented a little cabin. We also found out that the local hotel, Nordmeland Gårdshotell, has a delicious Sunday buffet! Hallelujah! Highly recommended! After our 5 hour kayak trip we unloaded the boats, carried everything into the cabin, and walked 3 kilometers to the hotel. The owner of Osen Camping offered to drive us, but we explained that we needed to use our legs. "Oh yes," he replied. "You are usually just sitting on your asses all day long in the kayaks." 🤣 We are situated comfortably, but hope we don't have to wait too many days before resuming our kayaking.

Posted by Berglene 17:00

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Så kjekt å høre hvordan disse to dagene har gått i kajakk og hva dere har sett på turen. Bildene viser jo hvor fint det har vært på sjøen. Og, folka en møter langs kysten er jo så vennlige. Sov godt i hytta og jeg krysser fingrene for godvær og lite vind. Astrid S

by Astrid Sirnes

Godt å vite at dere er i hytten.....trygge , varme, gode og mette!
Jeg skal danse "calm sea" - dansen!

by Fløytebestemor

Jaja, litt beinbruk og armhvile er vel passende 😄 Dere imponerer stadig med godt humør og fantastisk pågangsmot! Unner dere to dager i ro 😍

by Elisabeth

Hei Astrid, Gro og Elisabeth! Takk for at dere har snakket med vær-kontaktene deres! Vi er tilbake i kajakkene igjen 🙂

by Berglene

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