A Travellerspoint blog

Day 33

Finally able to set off again at 1:00pm. The first part of the paddle was quite rough, so we used our patented 'hold on to each other's kayak while one of us paddles' technique. It was so tiring that we found a place to put up the tent, eat dinner, and rest for 4 hours. Back in the kayaks again at 10:00pm and kayaked until 3:00 am. The sky was beautiful during the early sunrise, and it was different seeing lights from houses scattered along the coastline. A special, peaceful feeling gliding through the sea in the middle of the Norwegian summer night.

Posted by Berglene 09:26

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En natt i seng klokka 3, en annen natt opp klokka 4! Dere imponerer med STOR fleksibilitet i tillegg til pågangsmot!

by Elisabeth

Takk Elisabeth 🙂

by Berglene

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